Monday, November 9, 2020

Shakkar Pare.

Ingredients : All purpose flour 4 cups, melted warm pure ghee 1/2 cup, Oil for frying, Sugar near about 500 gms.water for mixing with sugar to make sugar syrup. Warm water for kneading flour. 

Recipe : Take all purpose flour (Maida) , add warm melted pure ghee in the middle of flour, mix it with flour properly, crumble it nicely ,now kneed the flour with warm water. It should be not very hard or not very  soft. keep it aside for 10 minutes, cover it with cloth .After 10  minutes kneed the flour little, devide it in six  equal parts. Take one piece & roll it like chapati till the time  keep other pieces covered, now do marking  on chapati to cut the pieces according to your choice. Same way do it with rest of all pieces. 
In medium low hot oil fry all cutted pieces in two -three lots. Fry it till it becomes pinkish, on other side of gas make sugar syrup, check  sugar syrup drop  two drops in the water, remove it in your fingers u can see if it forms like a boll that means chasni is ready, now put the fried pieces in ready sugar syrup & very carefully  quickly go on mixing with the help of spatula. Within 5-6 minutes sugar will get  coated nicely on all the pieces. Now after five minutes dust it while shaking Shakkar pare so the extra sugar will be  separated from it  .After proper cooling keep Shakkar Pare in air tight box. Enjoy cooking friends. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Fried Potatoes with red chilli .

Ingredients : 1)4 Potatoes, 2)cumin seeds,dry mango powder, coriander powder, red chilli powder 1tsp. each, salt according to the taste,  coriander leaves for garnishing the dish, oil for frying. 
Recipe : Cut small pieces of potatoes and sprinkle salt on it , deep fry in oil,when golden fry remove it on tissue .take little oil in pan add jeera ,corriender powder, dry mango powder,little salt ,add fried potato pieces ,red chilly powder ,mix it well ,its ready to eat. ♥♥♥♥♥

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Coconut Sweet.

Ingredients :  3cup desiccated coconut, 3/4 cup sugar, 1/2 cup milk (normal temperature), 2tbs. milk powder, 1tsp. cardamom powder, 1tsp. pure ghee, 10-12 pieces nicely chopped  pistachio 

Recipe :  Take a non stick pan ,on the gas add  desiccated coconut in a pan, stirring constantly  on slow flame, when it stats giving nice aroma  add milk powder & mix it well, now add milk & sugar go on stirring constantly, add ghee, mix it well now add cardamom powder ,stir constantly  after 7-8 minutes the mixture will start leaving the pan, spread some ghee on plate & shift the ready mix  ,press it smoothly,after ten minutes mark shape  in a pieces,sprinkle chopped pistachio press it little. After ten minutes cut it in pieces. Enjoy your coconut sweet. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Poha Chivda.

Recepie: 1/2 kg  (nylon poha)patla Poha,1/2 dry coconut, 1/2 katori ground nut ,kadi leaves, 1/4 sp.  turmeric powder, musterd seeds (raai) 1tsp.,salt to taste. 

Without oil fry Poha in a pan, remove Poha after nicely fyd, now fry cutting of the coconut,remove it ,then fry groundnut & remove it.
Now in oil put tadka of gr . chilly,mustered seeds & curry leaves .add . frd.  Poha in tadka,add.  salt to taste.u r Poha chivada is ready.Pl. add. Daal also.